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What's coming up
Click the screen below to see one of a series of movie tie-in specials I made for Channel 4. This one had a big monkey...
The trickery of editing gives the impression that my presenter conducted the interviews, buy nope, I did them all. I got the only good Jack Black interview that day.
I also has the privilege of filming at London Zoo with Andy Serkis for a full day. He kindly recorded my outgoing voicemail message as Gollum!
My mega-knowledge of the cinema feeds my online course 'Stepping Into Stand-Up Comedy' which introduces 'The Cinematic System of Stand-Up'.
After all, every open mic comedian is their own Producer, Director, Screenwriter and Leading Role.
Latterly, they must navigate matters including Marketing & Publicity, Wardrobe, Sound and Camera, Critics, Competitions and Agents.